Understanding your role as the primary disciple-maker for your family while developing healthy routines and spiritual rhythms.

“Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates."
Deuteronomy 6:5-9



by John Trent

In just a few minutes each night, Bedtime Blessings will help parents practice the biblical model of “blessing” and impart spiritual truths that will last a lifetime. Each bedtime activity is followed by a blessing prayer that will affirm a parent's love and deepen the child's relationship with God. Each book includes 100 easy-to-follow ideas for terrific tuck-ins, including: Read-to-me stories, Amazing experiments, Intriguing puzzles, Giggle-making games, “Let's pretend” activities, Blessing prayers.


by Dr. James C. Dobson

Question: Where can parents go when they need quick answers to tough questions about discipline, schooling, money, living with a toddler or teenager, creating a strong spiritual foundation, sex education, sibling rivalry, self-esteem, and making marriage work?
Answer: The Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide by Dr. James Dobson, America's most respected expert on marriage, parenting, and the family. This comprehensive, easy-to-access resource offers time-tested, biblically based information to help build healthy, God-honoring families.


by Debby Anderson

It seems almost unimaginable that the God who created the universe and all that is in it would know each and every one of our names! But the Bible says that it is so. Scripture also tells us that He knows the number of hairs on our heads, that we cannot hide from Him, and that He hears our thoughts. In fact, God's Word abounds with references about His tender care for all His creatures, both great and small.
To help young children grasp these wonderful truths, Debby Anderson has created a fun, colorful book. This simple story brings to life more than a dozen Scripture verses, and the author has included the references so that kids can see these great promises in God's own book. God Knows My Name is a natural tool for every parent, grandparent and teacher to use in planting the Bible in young hearts.


by Steve Wright

Parents, you have the greatest privilege of your lives in front of you every day: raising your children. Pointing your children to Christ, modeling the Gospel, and talking about God's grace shouldn't be a burden. It is a privilege. ApParent Privilege provides biblical understanding and the latest research to encourage you in the unparalleled opportunity you have to be the primary disciplers of your children.


by Michelle Anthony

It's hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn't what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this book Dr. Michelle Anthony shares practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting.
Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God's Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him.


by Michelle Anthony & Cory Godbey

God’s story is big, and you can be a part of it too!
In this fast-paced journey through the Old and New Testaments, kids will hear the stories of the Garden of Eden, the great Flood, the Promised Land, the kings of Israel, the holy baby born in a stable, and some unlikely friends who started a new church. Each part of the narrative highlights a different aspect of God’s faithfulness to us. Ultimately, readers will see how they fit into God’s big story of love when they write their names in the book on the last page!
This beautiful picture book also teaches children about God’s promise of a Redeemer through the visual portrayal of a glowing star and the insightful connections back to the person of Jesus on almost every page.